Write a thesis for South Savo – Apply for a MUC grant

Mikkeli University Consortium is announcing five €1,000 grants for theses in the South Savo region. The grants are for the academic year 2025 for students at Aalto University, University of Helsinki and LUT University. The purpose of the grant is to help the student get started and to reward a well-written thesis that benefits South Savo.

The topic of the thesis is up to the student and can come from the student or from a partner. The prerequisite is that the thesis develops and strengthens the regional expertise of South Savo and produces new research information for companies, organizations, or other actors operating in the South Savo region. Cooperation with a company, organization, or other actor operating in South Savo is considered an advantage, but it is not a prerequisite for receiving a grant.

The thesis can be a bachelor´s thesis or a master´s thesis. The grant is always paid directly to the author of the thesis. The grant is intended primarily for those theses for which the applicant does not receive a salary or other grants.

Applications are prioritized based on regional influence and benefit, thus necessitating that this be mentioned in the thesis description required by the application.

The grant is paid to the applicant in two installments. The first installment (€500) is paid to the student at the beginning of the thesis process, and the second installment (€500) is paid when the thesis is completed in the target time and approved with a passing grade.

The scholarship recipients and completed theses will be announced through Mikkeli University Consortium´s information channels. The content of any announcements will be discussed and agreed on separately with the author of the thesis.


Apply for a grant by filling out the attached form by 16th of March 2025. The application closes at 23:45: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/134007/lomake.html

In the application, write a short description of the thesis and for whom/what it is done for. The description must highlight how the thesis develops and strengthens the regional expertise of South Savo and produces new research information for companies, organizations, or other actors operating in the South Savo region. If the thesis has a client, also add the contact information of the client in the description.

Applications are processed within about one month from the end of the application period. The applicant will be notified of the decision personally by e-mail no later than 16th of April 2025. In addition to the decision, an applicant that is awarded the grant will also receive instructions regarding the payment of the first installment.

You can apply for the second installment of the grant with a free-form application by replying to the approved decision notice when the thesis has been completed in the target time and approved with a passing grade. Ask for a free-form recommendation from the thesis supervisor as an attachment to the application, which also presents the grade given to the thesis. The recommendation must include the supervisor’s contact information.

More information
Mikkeli University Consortium coordination unit
General Secretary Matti Malinen, matti.malinen@muc.fi, +358 50 496 8981
Expert Merja Hölttä, merja.holtta@muc.fi, +358 50 336 5297